1Million Families March (MFM) for the Cure to Childhood Cancer, a rally and campaign organized by The Ahmad Butler Foundation (ABF), aims to raise awareness and raise funds to support families coping with childhood cancer through a coalition of nonprofit organizations across the United States.
To galvanize support and facilitate participation, the website for this event serves as the central hub for information, engagement, and community action. As one of the website designers on the team, we are diligently crafting an intuitive and emotionally resonant user experience that embodies the march's spirit and purpose. This ongoing project represents a collaborative effort to not only inform visitors but also to inspire them to become active contributors to the cause.
Understand the Needs
A flowchart to structure the website with a landing page as the priority, including key elements like goals, registrations, petitions, events, sponsors, donations, etc.
From Sketches to Low-Fi Design
Iterations on my proposed website design, including sketches, different levels of low-fi prototypes, and color & font guide.
Low-fi Website Prototype for Desktop/Laptop Devices
Low-fi Website Prototype for Mobile Devices
Low-fi Website Prototype for Tablet Devices
Sketches and Low-fi Prototypes
Low-fi v1
Low-fi v1
Low-fi v2 for Desktop
Low-fi v2 for Desktop
Low-fi v2 for Mobile
Low-fi v2 for Mobile
Components and Visual Guide (Color & Typeface) for Low-fi Prototypes v2
Color Guide
Color Guide
Font Guide
Font Guide
Other layout designed by teammates Ian (left) and Vidhi (right)
High-Fi Prototype 
(Design in Progress)
High-fidelity prototype in Figma from the combined layout based on the low-fi designs.
Design System, Components, Color Guide, Typeface Guide, etc.
I am leading the design team with another designer and a developer.
Design System, Components, and Visual Guide (Color & Typeface) for High-Fi Prototype
Inspirations and Research
References for the client and team members on the non-profit website design and event website design. The further designs are therefore based on the client's feedback.
Non-profit Website Review Matrix
Non-profit Website Review Matrix
Non-profit Website Review 1
Non-profit Website Review 1
Non-profit Website Review 2
Non-profit Website Review 2
Event Website Inspiration
Event Website Inspiration
Client Feedback
Client Feedback
More coming soon...

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